House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to hold the articles of impeachment may or may not affect the format of the Senate impeachment trial, but it is already having an impact on the 2020 presidential race.
Nová vyhledávací hudební soutěž Talent for Stage, za kterou stojí nahrávací studio The Barn, vydavatelství Supraphon a festival Votvírák, zná deset finalistů. Jsou jimi Ajdontker, Brixtn, Eliška Buociková, Covers for Lovers,...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday defended her decision to delay the Senate impeachment trial as the House prepares to formally transfer the two articles.
Pro sólisty a skupiny z České republiky se otevírá možnost upozornit na sebe a následně se dostat do širšího povědomí. Vznikla totiž nová hudební soutěž nazvaná Talent for Stage. Stojí za ní vydavatelství Supraphon, nahrávací...
Pětadvacetiletá písničkářka Eliška Buociková se stala vítězkou prvního ročníku vyhledávací soutěže Talent for Stage. O jejím prvenství rozhodli jak odborní porotci, kteří ji vybrali mezi desítku finalistů, tak fanoušci, již...
Očekávaným i přirozeným vrcholem středečního večera na devětadvacátém ročníku festivalu Rock for People, který se koná v Parku 360 v Hradci Králové, byl set britských The Prodigy. Čtyřiatřicet let existující kapela...
MILWAUKEE — The Knicks have paved the way for shot-blocking power forward Kenny Wooten to get some time in the NBA. The Knicks are waiving Ivan Rabb, their two-way contract player, an NBA source confirmed. That will allow the Knicks to now sign...
Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and....
Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and....
Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and....
2019 was the first good year for the PC industry in a long while, according to both Gartner and IDC. It's the first time in seven years that the global PC market has experienced growth for the full year, Gartner says. IDC reported a similar finding,....
President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, whose dealings with Ukraine are a key facet of the impeachment case, has been lobbying Trump to join his legal team during his upcoming trial in the Senate.
Model Gigi Hadid was among 120 potential jurors called on Monday for the Harvey Weinstein rape trial, according to a pool reporter inside the Manhattan courtroom for jury selection.
The spokesman for the Iranian foreign ministry hit back at President Trump for tweeting messages in Persian supporting protesters in the Islamic Republic, saying the postings “dishonor” the language. “Hands and tongues smeared with threatening,...