Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu vyhodnotilo žádosti o dotace v druhé soutěži podprogramu „Inovace do praxe“ programu The Country for the Future. Zaměřena byla na boj proti pandemii COVID-19 a zmírnění jejích dopadů.
Celkem 14 státních organizací v České národní expozici pod značkou Czech Republic: The Country For The Future se představuje na letošním Mezinárodním strojírenském veletrhu v Brně. Firmy tak služby a informace od státu získají na...
Národní značka The Country For The Future, polytechnická výuka, internacionalizace české vědy. Rada vlády revidovala plnění klíčových úkolů Inovační strategie.
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu vyhlašuje 1. veřejnou soutěž v programu The Country for the Future (CFF) v podprogramu 3 „Inovace do praxe“. S cílem podpořit zavádění inovací do praxe.
V rámci Dne Technologické agentury ČR, který se konal on-line ve čtvrtek 5. listopadu, vicepremiér a ministr průmyslu a obchodu Karel Havlíček ocenil české start-upy. Vůbec poprvé v historii udělil cenu Country for the Future. Získala...
Premiér a předseda Rady pro výzkum, vývoj a inovace Andrej Babiš představí v pondělí 18. února 2019 v Lichtenštejnském paláci inovační strategii ČR do roku 2030.
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...
Gaming — with its huge demands on bandwidth, graphics and overall processing power — is likely to be one of the big use cases for 5G networking in the future, and today one of the big players in consumer gaming hardware showed off a 5G router...