Legendární herní designér Will Wright, který založil studio Maxis a stojí za tituly jako SimCity, The Sims či Spore, začal na své nové hře Proxi spolupracovat se zlínskou kreativní agenturou Madeo. Té se podařilo vyhrát světovou...
Nadcházející hra pro simulaci života inZOI od korejského studia Krafton nakonec vyjde až v roce 2025 pouze pro PC. Tato přímá konkurence oblíbené hry The Sims 4 slibuje hyperrealistickou simulaci života, bezkonkurenční grafiku,...
Další rozšíření oblíbeného simulátoru života The Sims 4 s názvem Záliby a živnosti (Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack) vyjde už ve čtvrtek. Kromě dalších možností podnikání a vytváření si vlastního byznysu,...
Na smartphony se před několika dny dostala hra The Sims Mobile, kterou můžete znát zejména z její počítačové předlohy. Její vydavatel, společnost EA (Electronic Arts) hru oznámila již loni v květnu, zpřístupněna však byla pouze...
Každý konec znamená nový začátek. Tímhle heslem se řídí nové rozšíření pro The Sims 4 s názvem Život a smrt (Life and Death Expansion Pack), které ve formě balíčku vyjde na Halloween. Přináší možnost prozkoumat posmrtný...
Letní prázdniny odstartovaly, alespoň tedy co se týče populárního titulu The Sims 4. V pátek totiž vyšel očekávaný datadisk Život na ostrově, který přenese oblíbené Simíky do exotických končin. Novinka je však nyní k dispozici...
Velmi zajímavou akci si připravil herní dům Electronic Arts, populární hru The Sims 4 rozdává zadarmo. Titul, který se stále prodává v obchodech za 500 Kč, mohou však případní zájemci získat bez zaplacení jediné koruny jen do...
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....
TikTok may be the fastest-growing social network in the history of the internet, but it is also quickly becoming the fastest-growing security threat and thorn in the side of U.S. China hawks. The latest, according to a notice published by the U.S....