FIRE. Ne, nemluvíme o značce, ale o novém nastupujícím hnutí, které je zkratkou pro Financial Independence, Retire Early (Finanční nezávislost, brzký odchod do důchodu). FIRE je hnutí, které se k nám dostalo z Ameriky a mezi mladými...
Bojíte se důchodu, protože vás v něm čeká jen chudoba, nuda a teplé papuče? Kdepak. I v důchodu se dá žít na plný plyn. Stačí zapomenout na drobné bolístky, těšit se ze života, cestovat a užívat si partnerského sexu! Blesk...
Společnost Amazon právě oficiálně představila dvě nová zařízení – Fire TV Stick a Fire TV Stick Lite. První jmenované zařízení je evoluční novinkou, zatímco Fire TV Stick Lite je úplně nový název. Pojďme se na obě podívat....
Firma Amazon ve čtvrtek představila novou verzi velmi populárního Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K. Nese název Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max a disponuje vylepšeným čipsetem a také podporou Wi-Fi 6. Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max představen Uvnitř nově...
Jak by se vám líbilo odejít do »důchodu« ve 40 letech? Brit Jason Buckley (45) a jeho manželka Julie (44) to dokázali a užívají si života plnými doušky. A prý to tak může udělat úplně každý! I když zas tak jednoduché to není...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...
Amazon’s Fire TV Edition, the version of Fire TV that now powers more than 50 Fire TV Edition smart TVs and soundbars as a competitor to Roku TV, is expanding to more devices besides just the television. Today, Amazon announced a new Fire TV...