Hity I Wanna Dance With Somebody, I Will Always Love You nebo titulní Greatest Love of All nabízí jihoafrická rodačka Belinda Davidsová ve své koncertní poctě popové legendě Whitney Houstonové. Show opět představí i českému...
Tesla cars could soon have big mouths — just like their outspoken owners — thanks to an upcoming upgrade that will let the vehicles speak to pedestrians, according to Elon Musk. “Teslas will soon talk to people if you want. This is real,” the...
If you're a Tesla owner, you might not have to open a window to let your intentions be known to passers-by. Elon Musk has teased plans to let Tesla cars "talk" to pedestrians through external speakers (presumably the ones added to comply with sound r...
If you're a Tesla owner, you might not have to open a window to let your intentions be known to passers-by. Elon Musk has teased plans to let Tesla cars "talk" to pedestrians through external speakers (presumably the ones added to comply with sound r...
If you're a Tesla owner, you might not have to open a window to let your intentions be known to passers-by. Elon Musk has teased plans to let Tesla cars "talk" to pedestrians through external speakers (presumably the ones added to comply with sound r...
If you're a Tesla owner, you might not have to open a window to let your intentions be known to passers-by. Elon Musk has teased plans to let Tesla cars "talk" to pedestrians through external speakers (presumably the ones added to comply with sound r...
Už se namlouvali, intrikovali a zrazovali na Baleárách, v Jihoafrické republice i na Havaji, v neděli konečně dorazí aktéři reality show Love Island i k nám na Novu.
Dvouhodinová show Whitney Houston Tribute - The Greatest Love of All naplní diváky radostí a nostalgií. Fanoušky zpěvačky Whitney Houston totiž čekají její největší hity včetně I Will Always Love You, I Wanna Dance With Somebody či...
Tanečníci z Tvoje tvář má známý hlas opět na televizních obrazovkách. Do show Love Island zamířila Mirka Pikolová (27) a všem tak předvede nejen dokonalou postavu, ale také pořádně zamíchá kartami osudu. Michal Pribylinec (29)...
Love Island se pomalu, ale jistě blíží ke konci. A tak není překvapením, že ty nejsilnější páry se ve vile intimně sblížily. O sexuálních hrátkách nejčastěji mluví Rachel a Claude, kterým ani kamery vůbec nevadí.
Minulý týden prasklo, že účastník soutěže Love Island David (21) má doma přítelkyni, což je proti pravidlům soutěže. To zlomilo srdce krásné Miss Natálii Kočendové (22), která se do něj zamilovala.
When it comes to smart home stuff, once you start, it's hard to stop. As soon as you've got one light that you can turn on and off from your phone, you'll want five.
As such, smart home gear can make great gifts for anyone who's already started...
When it comes to smart home stuff, once you start, it's hard to stop. As soon as you've got one light that you can turn on and off from your phone, you'll want five.
As such, smart home gear can make great gifts for anyone who's already started...
When it comes to smart home stuff, once you start, it's hard to stop. As soon as you've got one light that you can turn on and off from your phone, you'll want five.
As such, smart home gear can make great gifts for anyone who's already started...
When it comes to smart home stuff, once you start, it's hard to stop. As soon as you've got one light that you can turn on and off from your phone, you'll want five.
As such, smart home gear can make great gifts for anyone who's already started...
When it comes to smart home stuff, once you start, it's hard to stop. As soon as you've got one light that you can turn on and off from your phone, you'll want five.
As such, smart home gear can make great gifts for anyone who's already started...
When it comes to smart home stuff, once you start, it's hard to stop. As soon as you've got one light that you can turn on and off from your phone, you'll want five.
As such, smart home gear can make great gifts for anyone who's already started...