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Adobe představilo aplikaci Photoshop Camera. Umělá inteligence vám vylepší fotografie
Adobe představilo novou fotoaplikaci Photoshop Camera, která má za cíl doplnit klasickou aplikaci pro fotografování ve vašem telefonu. V posledních letech můžeme vidět velké pokroky ve strojovém učení a umělé inteligenci. Adobe nové... -
Češi patří mezi nejúspěšnější absolventy mezinárodního kurzu Elements of AI
Do mezinárodního kurzu Elements of AI, který veřejnosti zdarma umožňuje pochopit základy umělé inteligence, se přihlásilo 13 tisíc lidí z České republiky. Kurz u nás odstartoval začátkem roku 2021 díky Prg.ai, ČVUT, Úřadu vlády... -
Adobe Photoshop Mix 2.0: Velká aktualizace přináší řadu zajímavých novinek
Adobe právě teď vydává důležitou aktualizaci své aplikace pro rychlou úpravu fotek, Adobe Photoshop Mix. Novinka v podobě verze 2.0 přináší řadu vylepšených obrazových nástrojů a vylepšení softwaru obecně. Adobe Photoshop Mix 2... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on... -
Adobe Photoshop arrives on the iPad
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...