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South Park se odehrává v budoucnosti
Tvůrci South Parku uvedli nový film South Park: Post COVID, jehož děj umístili do budoucnosti. Nyní ohlásili, že 16. prosince uvedou ještě pokračování South Park: Post COVID: The Return of COVID. Premiéra se koná na streamovací... -
Tvůrci South Parku posunuli virtuální realitu na novou úroveň. Nosulus Rift bude simulovat pachy. Hádejte jaké…
Ubisoft chystá vydání nového dílu adventury ze South Parku, který ponese název The Fractured But Whole . Naváže na úspěšný první díl The Stick of Truth , který obsahoval prvky RPG a hráč v něm zaujal místo nového dítěte v South... -
South Korea's President: Door not closed on talks with North
South Korean President Moon Jae-in believes North Korea remains open to dialogue with the United States, despite comments over the weekend from a top official in Pyongyang suggesting his country had been "deceived by the US" in nuclear negotiations. -
5:59 v originále: Lies, anger and jubilation. The end of warship Moskva
Sinking of Russia's flagship Black Sea missile cruiser, the Moskva, is still surrounded by questions. What consequences can the loss of the vessel have for the Russian military invasion in Ukraine? -
This South African pilot is on a mission to change the face of aviation in Africa
Standing in a hangar at Wonderboom Airport near Pretoria, South Africa, Refilwe Ledwaba is geeking out over a slick airplane behind her. -
5:59 v originále: The Horrors of Chinese Re-education Camps in Pictures
What do the so-called Xinjiang Police Files tell us about the lives of detained Uyghurs and methods used by their captors? -
Nová tvář české scény Filip Chris debutuje singlem a videoklipem The Power
Na české hudební scéně je nový adept. Jmenuje se Filip Chris a aktuálně vydává singl a videoklip The Power. Písnička je o změně vlastní životní cesty. Na Novinkách.cz má premiéru. -
Slezan vymyslel termín blitzkrieg a vyděsil architekty vylodění Spojenců
Svojí knihou o německé taktice rychlé války nazvanou Blitzkrieg se zapsal do dějin. Jeho další kniha ho dostala do potíží, protože vizionářsky popsala vylodění v Normandii. Ve spolupráci s československým projektem Dějiny... -
5:59 v originále: Russian elites are worried, says Catherine Belton
The war seems to have put a wedge in the relationship between Russian oligarchs and the Kremlin. Can further pressure break the system created by Vladimir Putin and used by both sides to thrive? -
5:59 v originále: How to Decipher a Politician? Joe Navarro Explains
The digital age has increased the importance of the visual - especially in politics. It's no longer just about words. „People speak with their whole bodies,“ says leading expert on nonverbal communication Joe Navarro. -
5:59 v originále: The Russians fighting for Ukraine
A group of Russian citizens decided to fight against their homeland on the side of Ukraine. New York Times reporter Michael Schwirtz on the Free Russia Legion operating under Ukrainian leadership. -
5:59 v originále: The Worst Is Yet to Come. US Expert on Israel and Hamas
Israeli army has intensified its bombing campaign of the Gaza Strip and is expected to launch a ground offensive soon. How great is the risk that the war between Israel and Hamas could escalate into a regional conflict? -
5:59 v originále: Will Trump bring chaos? Conversation with Christian Caryl
The Republican voters in Iowa are about to vote in the first of nation primaries. The front-runner is Donald Trump despite his legal troubles and controversial remarks. -
Xiaomi oznamuje 10,000 mAh Mi Power Bank Pro s USB Type-C
Xiaomi oznámilo novou Power banku s 10,000 mAh v Číně, která se nazývá Mi Power Bank Power. Novinkou u této Power Banky od čínské společnosti je ovšem přítomnost USB typu C, a obousměrné rychlé nabíjení. Co se týče... -
5:59 v originále: The Dugins and The Rise of Russia's New Nationalism
What will be the likely consequences of Darya Dugina's assassination near Moscow last weekend? We ask Charles Clover, Financial Times/Nikkei Asia's editor and acclaimed author of a book on the rise of Russia's nationalism. -
5:59 v originále: How the far-right is infiltrating American politics
The US presidential race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is heating up. According to American journalist Heath Druzin, Christian nationalists in the US are hoping for a Trump victory. -
5:59 v originále: The case of Brittney Griner. Prisoner swap in the making?
An international court drama is unfolding in Moscow where a US star basketball player faces a severe punishment on drug charges. -
5:59 v originále: Will Democracy Survive? Conversation with Sofia Näsström
Democracies all around the globe are under a lot of pressure lately. Are we seeing the democracy twilight in most of the countries? Not necessarily but many experts urge people to fight for it. -
Thousands evacuated as Taal Volcano violently erupts in the Philippines
Taal Volcano in Batangas province south of Manila blasted steam, ash and pebbles into the sky, prompting the evacuation of tens of thousands.